Saturday, 2 April 2011

Mount Fuji, SanrioPuroland and Shinjuki

We are so unbeliveably proud of ourselves. In the last two days we have managed to navigate ourselves out of Tokyo city and into the country/burbs. All in a country where we can`t read the signs and have the utmost difficulty (yet fun) communicating with people. We haven`t been lost once, or even made a wrong turn. It`s been great!

I can`t say anything about Mount Fuji. Words and even photos will never do it justice. Spellbinding.

SanrioPuroland (Hello Kitty World) gave us diabetis of the eyes it was that jam packed full of sugary viewing. It was magical in every sense of the word. It was also like a bad acid trip that lasted 5 hours. All in all I have mixed feelings about the day.....

Shinjuki is epic in every sense. Epic amount of people on the streets. Epic department stores a city block wide and 15 stories high. Epic train station that takes the population of Melbourne through it every day and has 127 exits. Epic crosswalks - 300 people crossing every change of lights. Just EPIC. We had sushi train. Mmmmmm Sushi train.

And then to top the day off we headed to Roppongi Hills to view the city lights at night. The lights of the city skyescrapers stretch as far as the eye can see. There`s no end to it.

Please forgive me, we`ve been sightseeing for 15 hours today so my vocab leaves a bit to be desired, but hopefully you get the idea. And if not. WE`RE HAVING AN AWESOME TIME!!!!!!!

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